The Shade
This is a sequel to KIKIKANA camp. It will talk about the Shade and the unrecorded Three that was thought to be lost and dead. ENJOY!
This is a sequel to KIKIKANA camp. It will talk about the Shade and the unrecorded Three that was thought to be lost and dead. ENJOY!
Bullying at Elm Street school is a very terrifying. The bullies have joined together and have formed a team. Chloe, a normal school girl, intends on stopping bullying and upstanding to it. But she is to scared to. What happens if the bullies decide to bully her too!? Read and you'll know!
A solar eclipse is coming and Luna is feeling insecure. After all her days of rising the moon just for the night, now on this one day, she has to cover the her sister's sun with the face of her moon. But during the eclipse, a new darkness is unleashed upon Equestria, blocking out the face of the sun, losing the trust...