River Song: Hello Sweetie
When life gives you River Song and the Doctor, it's never boring. A series of one shots of the unchronicled adventures of the Mad Man with the blue box and his bespoke psychopath... The trouble is only beginning...
When life gives you River Song and the Doctor, it's never boring. A series of one shots of the unchronicled adventures of the Mad Man with the blue box and his bespoke psychopath... The trouble is only beginning...
River sat in the apartment reading her Diary,she hadn't been visited by the Doctor for awhile. She's been missing him. Also, it was Valentines day and was hoping a visit from the Doctor. She suddenly grinned and heard the familiar noise of Tardis and saw it appear from her apartment window. River came outside and gav...
Na Wyspach Brytyjskich nadeszło ciepłe wiosenne przedpołudnie. Za wyjątkiem Szkocji, nad którą zawisły kłęby deszczowych chmur. Doktor widział wszystko pomiędzy swoimi stopami. Siedział na krawędzi niebieskiej budki i leniwie dryfował w przestrzeni kosmicznej. Komisarz Alicja Krzewiec odebrała dziwny telefon. Rozmówca...
OSTRZEGAM, ŻE TO BYŁO PISANE GDY BYŁAM W 5/6 KLASIE PODSTAWÓWKI, WIĘC POZIOM JEST OKROPNY. CAŁOŚĆ ZOSTANIE PEWNEGO DNIA CAŁKOWICIE PRZEPISANA. Lena mieszka parę kilometrów od Nowego Jorku. Jest podrzutkiem, zostawiono ją pod drzwiami państwa Darling. Za tydzień skończy osiemnaście lat. Jej marzeniem jest poznanie wła...
One shots of Regina from Once Upon A Time. Some of these entries will be for contests. I will also write any one shot that someone suggests. I also won't post as much on this book.
What happens when Rick cheats on Kate and she finds out she is pregnant after they break up?
What if the night Chandler and Monica spent in London was a one night stand? Will they just be friends or will they want more? I wrote this when I was like twelve so I apologize in advance.
After a thanksgiving a few years ago with chandler calling Monica fat, she has hated him, but as she finds out Ross is about to go to college her parents demand they all go on a trip, Monica is forced to go in a car with chandler and Ross finding that they get snowed in and lost, Ross goes to get a second opinion on t...
Monica And chandler are dared By the rest of the gang to act as if they are just friends, No kissing or touching. Will they be able to cope? How much will Monica risk to win? Who will win the bet?
Just some Fluffy/Occasionally smutty collection of CS OneShots to pass the time! Enjoy! ❤️