Magical World
A girl named Abagail finds a magical world but finds dangrous secrets in it... What will she do? Please commet if you have ideas questions.
A girl named Abagail finds a magical world but finds dangrous secrets in it... What will she do? Please commet if you have ideas questions.
When a less than average girl weds an above average prince, there is turmoil in the kingdom of Bellania. A tragic tale of jealousy and, most importantly, beauty.
"I always thought that i was different then other girls never knew why... But finally midnight 13th birthday I found out the truth" #Howl@midnight
My mom and I are werecats. My dad? He died. Why isn't my mom all depressed and suicidal? Because unlike werewolves, werecat mates don't die with each other. They live so they can take care of their children or help around the pride. Not that there are many werecats left. There are about 80 left in existence. Why only...
Get your daily fix of quotes. All the right quotes, to make you laugh and smile. None of these quotes are mine and belong to the numerous, following people. Have a read, you know you want to :)
Rocki is a normal girl who gets in trouble very often. She has been through alot, and remembering it hurts. With all of the drama she has to go through to make her relationship work, pays off in the end. But, Will Liam and Rocki be separated for life, or will they find away to be back together? All Rocki wants is to b...