Red Hot and Losfer Words
Nikki barges into Steve's hotel room to hide from an overly-enthusiastic would-be bedmate. Steve impulsively invites Nikki to hang out for a while.
Nikki barges into Steve's hotel room to hide from an overly-enthusiastic would-be bedmate. Steve impulsively invites Nikki to hang out for a while.
It's natural for some young people to be attracted to a teacher in life, but for Steve, a 21 year old boy, it's like a nightmare! Everything could be normal, if he was not in love with his history teacher, who one day leaves him after class time to talk alone.
(AU) Year, 2008. Bruce Dickinson is a pilot and the lead singer of Iron Maiden. You? You're working with Iron Maiden's manager, Rod Smallwood for an upcoming world tour. You've always had a crush on Bruce. This was gonna be a long year... (If you're not into this, it's fine. Stay tuned.) (Strong Language and Sexual Th...
Claire Smith, takes a trip back to the past and meets all her biggest idols. With all the hot rockstars in front of her, who does she choose in the end? hint: it's not who you think. PLEASE IGNORE MY SPELLING ERRORS I HAVENT EDITED IT YET. (ALSO IGNORE HOW IT RANDOMLY GOES FROM CAPS TO LOWERCASE LIKE HALFWAY THRU)
Book 6/6 The Whisperers have finally been eliminated. The rockstars and other survivors can finally live in peace. Or at least as much peace as they can in these times. But the truth is, there's another community out there. One that the remainder of Cinderella are about to meet. The Commonwealth. The same group Maggie...
Book 5/6 Vince Neil and Jeff Labar, two members of our rockstar community, were savagely murdered by a group known as The Whisperers. This group isn't your average threat, however, since they disguise themselves as the dead. Now, our rockstars are in more danger than ever before. But with former Whisperer Lydia at the...
Book 4/6 After waking up from a coma, Tom Keifer is swept into the world he dreamt up in his sleep. The zombie apocalypse has officially begun, with 3/4 of Cinderella, Blackie Lawless, Axl Rose, and Joan Jett caught in the middle of it. But what if some of Tom's dream wasn't just that? How much of what he dreamt in th...
Book 3/6 Negan is finally dead, Rick was bitten, and Joan was murdered. Now, our group of rockstars must pick up the pieces and continue with their lives. Tom now must take leadership over Alexandria, a sanctuary he's been at for only a year. Axl and the others have to help Tom heal from losing both his band mate Jeff...
Book 2/6 Six more rockstars, each with different backgrounds, are thrown into a zombie apocalypse. Axl Rose, Joan Jett, Jon Bon Jovi, Bret Michaels, Gene Simmons, and Nikki Sixx team up to survive in the decrepit world they live in. But there's a catch. A few members put the group at extreme risk every day. Gene: A se...
Book 1/6 Six rockstars are suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse. Tom Keifer, Blackie Lawless, Vince Neil, Sebastian Bach, Mick Mars, and Paul Stanley all find each other one day while wandering in the woods looking for supplies. Luckily, they can all survive as long as they remain together. But what happens when t...
COMPLETATA. Sequel di "Coinquilini per un mese". Un anno dopo, dalla partenza dei Guns n' Roses per il loro tour dell'album "Appetite for Destruction", al loro ritorno Josephine si ritrova a dover affrontare Slash e gli altri.
COMPLETATA. IN REVISIONE. Vicini di casa da quasi un'anno ma quei ragazzi non si erano mai accorti della ragazza della porta accanto...