Zatím co se John snaží najít vlastní cestu k Sherlockovi, který se mu zdá zamlklejší než obvykle, Sherlock objevuje nový svět zbarvený emocemi. Odkaz na autorku úžasného coveru: http://starship24.tumblr.com/
Zatím co se John snaží najít vlastní cestu k Sherlockovi, který se mu zdá zamlklejší než obvykle, Sherlock objevuje nový svět zbarvený emocemi. Odkaz na autorku úžasného coveru: http://starship24.tumblr.com/
John Watson a Sherlock Holmes jsou spolubydlící na universitě. Co ale John nevěděl je , že Sherlock bere drogy.
You are a student in college who studies to be a criminal investigator and follow in the footsteps your role models Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. You soon find yourself caught in a case of your own. Will you end up falling for the mysterious J.M., or will you stay focused on solving the case?
(Y/N) is lost in London but luckily (?) for her she meets a helpful man called Jim Moriarty who promises to help her out. Originally written for my irl friend. She said that she liked this story a lot so I decided to publish it here too :)
*WARNING* This is not for kids! this is lemon, this contains sex, and sexual acts, viewer distraction advised. Although, this is my very first sexual story. Please hang on, i will do my best.
Not only Sherlock but other characters too, just as long as you guys request them, if not then it will mostly be the high functioning sociopath we all know and love. I hope you enjoy these, I make a lot of other books like this one as well :) I have one for anime characters, Supernatural characters, and various. And...