How To Write Like A Boss
Writing tips, help, and general, often meandering, thoughts about the writing process. Cover by yours truly. :) Copyright © 2016 @chocfudgeO All Rights Reserved
Writing tips, help, and general, often meandering, thoughts about the writing process. Cover by yours truly. :) Copyright © 2016 @chocfudgeO All Rights Reserved
Do you want to improve your writing skills? Do you want to write short stories, books, or even novels? Well, never fear! I've got the tips to make you a better writer!
Part 3 of 100 Things You Should Know About Writing will mainly feature writing technique, but I'm due to veer off on some other writing-related tangent. I'll make sure to keep things informative, though. If you're looking for Part 1 (which mainly dealt with creating and sustaining tension), you can find it here: http...
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Part 2 of 100 Things. For those of you who've missed Part 1 (mainly dealing with the creation and sustaining of tension), you can find it here: Part 2 will mainly be about the craft of writing, or as...
Here are some tips and advice for beginning authors or writers who want to get their work out there!
This is about writing, as I think of it. Subjects covered will range from plot aspects to characterization, writing craft to just surviving as a writer. Mainly, Part 1 is a comprehensive list of things to do in order to create and maintain tension.
I am asked several times each day to read the stories written by young writers here on Wattpad. As there is no way that I could possibly read and offer quality feedback to all who ask, this book is my Advice to Young Writers, based on my own 20 years of teaching writing to junior high to university students, on my 20...
How do I get more reads, votes, and comments? If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories? This #1 ranking...
As Talent Scouts, we get to talk and interact with many different writers every day. We are always listening and learning from these interactions, and we see how every Wattpad journey is unique and how different strategies work for different people. We are very happy to share some of this advice and experiences with y...
How to Write Fanfiction is a writing resource that contains tips and tricks on crafting fanfiction stories - by the community, for the community. This guide will serve as a helpful point of reference for fanfiction writers both old and new. We ultimately hope to encourage Wattpadders to immerse themselves in the limit...