The Lost Boy Written By Christina Henry....
NeverLand Is Home to Lost Boys Like Me And Lost Boys Like Me Are Free
NeverLand Is Home to Lost Boys Like Me And Lost Boys Like Me Are Free
When the XYZ corporation hires Rebecca's Dad, things are looking up for her family. After all, the XYZ company is known as the family company. Her mom has a part time position that perfectly fits her schedule, her dad has his position and the company provides schooling for her. She loves her new schooling with its...
Enter the world of the Great Library! In an exhilarating new series, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time.... Ruthless and supremely powerful, the Great Library is now a presence in every major ci...
Sometimes, a scene just doesn't work quite right, or the timing of it is off, and it gets changed or discarded completely. In this early draft, here's a meeting with Scholar Wolfe that didn't quite work from both a timing and plotting standpoint ... but has some nice character moments anyway.
The Great Library of Alexandria never burned ... and now, Jess Brightwell is beginning to discover just how deep the corruption goes within that ancient institution. To survive, he'll need more nerve and help than ever. In this excerpt, the unlikely pair of Jess and Dario undertake a dangerous mission to the legendary...
The Great Library of Alexandria never burned ... and now, Jess Brightwell is beginning to discover just how deep the corruption goes within that ancient institution. To survive, he'll need allies. In this sneak peek, Jess seeks to trade favors with master criminal Red Ibrahim ... and discovers a new friend in his daug...
The Great Library of Alexandria never burned ... and now, Jess Brightwell is beginning to discover just how deep the corruption goes within that ancient institution, and what will be required to save it. In this sneak peek, Jess and his friend brave the one place they don't want to be: a secret prison where Wolfe was...
A Percy Jackson Fanfiction Kit is Percy's kid sister. You've never heard of her because Uncle Rick never knew about her. But that's irrelvant. What matter's is that there's a whole different story behind the Lightning Thief that you've never heard. So this is Kit and Percy: What Rick Riordan Never Told You
It wasn't suppossed to be like this. When a rebellion breaks out between the government and the people, the government has a plan. To combine human DNA with those of animals to create the perfect enhanced soldier and restore peace. But the experiments go terribly wrong, and create humans that can fully morph into o...