Dear Club
Title: Dear Club Pairing: Hey!Say!Jump X OC Author: Ghea Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance Type: Chaptered Summary: About a famous host club named Dear Club which has 9 handsome hosts. A/N: Fanfic ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia
Title: Dear Club Pairing: Hey!Say!Jump X OC Author: Ghea Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance Type: Chaptered Summary: About a famous host club named Dear Club which has 9 handsome hosts. A/N: Fanfic ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia
Gokusen 3, but with one twist: Saitou, Heza. Not only does this girl go to Akadou and reside in Class 3-D, she is the childhood friend of Kazama, Ren. How will Class 3-D get through their senior year when a romance starts between her and the last person they expected: Ogata, Yamato? T rated for language. Hope you like...
Title: Choose Between Game.... Pairing: Hey!Say!JUMP.... Genre: Friendship / Comedy.... Summary: They were having a long boring break, so they will play a new game....
Ketika para member mengetahui salah satu dari mereka telah jatuh cinta, mereka mati-matian berusaha untuk menggoda dan mengganggu sang member. Dan ketika mereka tahu bahwa salah satu dari mereka patah hati? Mereka tetap menggoda dan mengganggu teman mereka yang malang.
"This is how Yabu handle the guys everyday." *word count: 583 (drabble)* Setting: Photoshoot The characters are not mine. This is only a fanfiction
Cerita ini didasari dari part2 solonya Kotaki Nozomu di lagu duetnya dengan Fujii Ryusei ~ Maafkan saya karena ini ff nista saya dengan saya sebagai OCnya.. bila tidak berkenan silahkan skip saja ~ Terima kasih ~
Temukan absurdnya member Hey!Say!JUMP di dunia maya Update tiap bulan,ditanggal akhir