Komai ya damalmale masa yadda bazai iya gyarawa ba......The Contract has been exposed to Mammah........ What do you think will happen 😂😂😂😂😂. AUREN KWANGILA 3&4 AVAILABLE 💙💚💛💜
Komai ya damalmale masa yadda bazai iya gyarawa ba......The Contract has been exposed to Mammah........ What do you think will happen 😂😂😂😂😂. AUREN KWANGILA 3&4 AVAILABLE 💙💚💛💜
"Tun daga ranar da ka shigo rayuwata komai ya dai daita" Da murmushi a fuskarshi yace "Bansan akwai abinda na rasa a tawa rayuwar ba sai da na mallake ki"
A love that was once a sensation, now a tragedy, and a heartbreak that is harder to overcome. He's sweet with a smile as gentle and delicate as a sunflower. Now an unrecognizable monster whose sweetness turns into toxicity, anger and violence. Meet Jamila Kabir in her journey to womanhood and channeling her inner powe...