Persuade ― Kim Jongdae
She begins to loose faith in everything. He's the one trying to bring her back. [#7 of the EXO series]
She begins to loose faith in everything. He's the one trying to bring her back. [#7 of the EXO series]
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST MY BAG?!" I turn my head to the side to see the guy who had said the same thing as me. Fucking airports....
2022: Ta książka jest dla mnie powodem do wstydu i codziennie walczę ze sobą by jej nie usunąć. Bardzo proszę nie sugerować się liczbami, książka była pisana w 2013 roku i absolutnie nie jest nic warta. Bardzo dziękuję za wasze wsparcie i to, że było to aż tak popularne, będę to wspominała chyba do końca życia haha. D...
A/N this description is gonna be a cheesy one.... "I love you because you made me realize that you were what I needed. Even though I didn't know that I needed it." ❤️Credits to the owners of the pictures❤️