Through The Lens
After coming across a lost camera, Scott decides that looking through the videos would be completely invasive and creepy. But then his finger slipped.
After coming across a lost camera, Scott decides that looking through the videos would be completely invasive and creepy. But then his finger slipped.
Pentatonix are devastated when they find out what Mitch has been doing to himself. They didn't realize how he felt. Can they save him before it's too late? Will Scott realize he has feelings for Mitch? *WARNING* This story is about self harm. If that disturbs you, then I suggest you stop reading. I wanted to make this...
He left him for 10 minutes and now he's not sure if he'll ever get him back.
Mitch mieszka na ulicy Scott w willi pod miastem Mitch jest znienawidzony przez brata Scott ma kochającą rodzinę Mitch ma rany Scott ma nowy samochód Spotykają się w szpitalu. I ta jedna piosenka połączy ich na zawsze.
AU. Scott’s life is going just as he planned it. He has the perfect roommate, the perfect girlfriend and, as of today, the perfect new job doing what he loves. As he begins this new profession, will his new colleague throw a wrench into his perfectly placed life?