The Time Whirl
A girl travels back in time an falls in love with someone in history... not good.
A girl realizes how much of an impact people have, if they are popular, and she notices that if you stand up to someone they will respect you, because of a new girl who was bullied.
Trapped between the mortal world and the world of unexplainable magic, Rosa runs from the evils of both worlds and struggles with the surprising truth of herself.
Mini lessons every week on how to write a good story! Post your book on PM and I read it if you vote for all the chapters on Unleashed!
Fairytales. Happy endings.#OnceUponNow book about a modern fairytale world, but something bad happens to English Amber when she enters the world, her home or helping the fairies get the legendary princesses back.
Co Author: @aubreyalien Cover Shop! I do all covers upon request. They take 1-3 days!!