A Concise Collection of Hunters' Quotes
Written by . . . Dean Winchester **Dedicated to Sam Winchester** Edited by . . . Castiel Published by . . . Scribes & Prophets
Written by . . . Dean Winchester **Dedicated to Sam Winchester** Edited by . . . Castiel Published by . . . Scribes & Prophets
The FanFair is a place for you to find and connect with people who love the things you love. It's a place to immerse yourself in all of your favorite fandoms, discover lesser-known fanfiction writers, and geek out with your fellow Wattpadders. We'll have essays, interviews, advice columns, writer spotlights, and every...
but it's not his fault he decided that he was going to be a Froot Loop in a world full of cheerios.
One day, author John Green finds Benedict Cumberbatch hiding in his office. Many of us would be happy with that. But what do you do when Benedict is convinced he is Sherlock, and that the television show Sherlock is a ruse set up by Moriarty and must be shut down? You call your brother Hank, who has many hot tubs, and...