Under The Waterfalls
A magical story where John and his friends discover a new magical world behind a waterfall and might want to stay forever. But there are lots of problems that might be bad.
Losing Herself
This is a story about a 13 year old girl and how her life has been a mess. She has gone through a lot of crap in her life, but she is trying to get through it. She gets help from her friends and other people in her life and sometimes her parents are the cause of her "crap" in her life. She goes through stress and dram...
Harry's Twin (Harry Potter FanFic)
Harry has a twin. But nobody knows. Well, nobody except for Snape and Dumbledore. You see, when Snape went to the Potter's house that night, he discovered a boy with a lightning scar crying in the crib, and a girl, hidden inside the closet. He took the girl, and raised her as his own. Despite Dumbledore's disagreement...