Pokemon XY Adventure
This is a fanfic about Calem's journey through Kalos. The plot is sort of similar to the games, but I'm gonna change some stuff to make the story more interesting...
This is a fanfic about Calem's journey through Kalos. The plot is sort of similar to the games, but I'm gonna change some stuff to make the story more interesting...
Venus is basically just your average trainer, champion of only two regions, just recently defeated Team Galactic only to find that they are back. She has a relatively interesting past and some awesome friends... some awesome friends with whom she ships together (I'm talking about Gold and Silver, guys). Then she als...
Unova, a region where hundreds of Pokemon are still undiscovered and a year before the immoral Team Plasma threatened the peace. Due to the Hero and his friends' valiant efforts the evil organization was disbanded; members scattered across Unova. Now, Professor Juniper has come back from her journey of assisting the n...
Leaf is champion of four other regions. She heads to the Unova region to become the champion there as well. She meets with Bianca and Cheren and they help her along the way. But she can't become champion quite yet. The Team Plasma guys are trying to "liberate" pokemon. And then the mysterious N comes along. He t...
An eevee wakes up on a beach and joins a rescue team but a new evil is rising and it's different from any Pokemon mystery dungeon game so don't worry! Read to find out what happened to that eevee. Picture used for cover doesn't belong to me