Bella's Accidents
Bella is about to enter eighth grade, but she has started having some unexpected and embarrassing accidents!
Bella is about to enter eighth grade, but she has started having some unexpected and embarrassing accidents!
Maddie is an average 18 year old... Well she is for the most part. She is small for someone her age but she doesn't mind because she can usually fit into kids clothing which is cheaper than adult clothes. She lives with her mom, dad, younger sister and her pet cat. She loves being outside and playing with her cat. Eve...
Allison and her family nearing Easter were going to take a trip to see their grandparents. However, Allison begun wetting the bed during the week before which didn't seem to stop. Taking action, Allison's parents get her goodnite's to help prevent her leaks in the night. Now Allison travels to their grandparents and c...