🍀Quẹt Đại Iz Real🍀 ~ [Artbook]
Đây là nơi xả những bức tranh nhảm nhí của tớ, vậy thôi =w=)
Lmao why are ppl still reading this it's been like 4 years Achievements: 19/6/19 - #3 rusame
Od pewnego czasu życie Polski staje się nudne i monotonne, jednak wpada on na pewien pomysł, dzięki któremu odnowi relacje ze starymi przyjaciółmi, a jego życie nabierze barw. Co niespodziewanego się wydarzy, oraz jaką rolę w tej historii odegra Niemcy? - Aby znaleźć odpowiedź na te pytania, wystarczy przeczytać to op...
Poland is a country with an unpleasant history and many conflicts. Now with the fall of communism, he has managed to pull through the difficult times and move on from the trauma of the WWII. Currently all of his cities were fully rebuilt and he himself had long ago recovered from the physical damage that was inflict...