The Force Unleashed III: The Joral Chronicles
Following after the events of the Force Unleashed II, what happened to Starkiller after the destruction of the Kamino cloning facility.
Following after the events of the Force Unleashed II, what happened to Starkiller after the destruction of the Kamino cloning facility.
This sounds weird, doesn't it? Basically, each part of this story will just have one story, told in 25 words or less. Which is less than you think. Some will be hilarious, some dramatic, some poetic, some intense. Be prepared! And have fun!
In one world, the best-known cheeky smuggler in the galaxy, looking out for good deals and unafraid of consequences. In a completely different world we call our own, an obstinate 16-year-old who rolls her eyes as she sees her young brother fascinated over what she calls "useless, pathetic spaceship adventures." Now le...
Anakin Skywalker will not become Darth Vader. Not yet, anyway. Padmé saved him from a lifetime of regret by pulling him out of the fateful battle between Mace Windu and Chancellor Palpatine. But at some point, he still has to decide if his heart lies with the Jedi or the Sith. Palpatine, undeterred by the loss of his...