Book of Random
What the title says.
So, some of interviews in are..... -The_Scythian -MineralFox -MoonlightMysteryMLP -MsSkyeEnder -GregCarrico -ShadowEnderMinecraft -Six_Stix -Gracie9669 -TheEnderNovice -ToxicArrow -peanut-buttergamer Those are a couple in a part of several in...
After Fawn lost her powers, everything's changed. Herobrine can't seem to fix Fawn, and Fawn doesn't know what to say. When all hope is lost, one choice emerges. A quest that may bring back Fawn's powers. But in order to get her powers back, she has to complete a quest, a quest which could mean the death of Fawn herse...
Herobrine has been displaying his anger on local villages and players because of his long lost daughter's disappearance. He doesn't know if he'll ever find her again. Fawn doesn't know what she is. She can talk to mobs, be really good at combat, and didn't get harmed when she looked face-to-face at an enderman. All sh...