🐾Wild Babe-MB/S🐾
🐾 "Inside all of us is a wild thing." 🐾
HELLO EVERYONE!!! 😙 My name is Mase, and here I present to you my wonderful art book. 😎💜 (WARNING: THE FIRST PARTS OF THIS ARE SOOO CRINGY, SO BEWARE! 😱) I AM NOT THAT GOOD AT INTROS, SO MY APOLOGIES. *flies away on Nyan Cat with Clint* #slay #adventureofalifetime #iwillstophashtaggingnowthankyouverymuch
29, tall, dangerous, and most of all: wild. Only one person can tame her. Who that is determines who is willing to risk everything for two vital causes: love and trust. Mason is no ordinary being; she has supernatural powers that no one else possesses. These powers influenced her to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and become one wi...
Enter if you dare...the crazy world of ranting, fangirling, memes, poptarts, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!O(≧▽≦)O ヽ(^。^)丿 (◕‿◕✿) (゜◇゜)