[completed] two strangers are stuck on an elevator on a rainy monday morning. confessions ensue. ; copyright © 2016
[completed] two strangers are stuck on an elevator on a rainy monday morning. confessions ensue. ; copyright © 2016
15 year old Daniel Howell has terrible friends, a huge crush on his best friend's boyfriend, tons of pressure from school and his parents, and to sum it all up he also has chronic depression. While planning on ending his life, he accidentally enters himself to a psychiatric hospital. During his stay at The Priory Hosp...
©blushinghobi Dan Howell (20) has been hurt and abandoned for his whole life. Left lonely,he had absolutely nobody to talk to. He had a shitty apartment and a crappy job and really,he had nothing to look forwards to in his life. Phil Lester (24) seemed like a really bubbly and happy person. He made YouTube videos onl...