Дикий Зверь.
Страх. Все тело сковывает от страха. Чёрные глаза смотрели на меня с некой нежностью, пристально, словно прожигая меня.
Страх. Все тело сковывает от страха. Чёрные глаза смотрели на меня с некой нежностью, пристально, словно прожигая меня.
- Ты так вкусно пахнешь,- приблизив лицо к моей шее, он вдохнул, от чего на моей шее появились мурашки,- ты же ведь тоже из наших? - Из каких наших?,- вопросительно посмотрела на него. -Оборотней, ты же ведь оборотень , я чувствую это.
{он ударил меня и мне показалось, что это был поцелуй} Он - мужчина двадцати семи лет. Она - выпускница, не ладившая с родителями, жаждущая любви и попавшая в сети своего «папочки». • разница в возрасте • сцены жесткого характера [если подобное вас смущает - прошу уйти. спасибо]
"i remember." © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2015. N. A. The sequel to 'Boy' is 'Funnybones' and is available to read on my profile.
Allison a crescut în permanenta şi obsesiva grijă a tatălui ei. După ce şi-a pierdut mama în copilărie, toată atenţia ei a ajuns să se învârtească doar în jurul părintelui ce i-a mai rămas. Dar când atinge pragul adolescenţei, Allison simte nevoia să guste puţin din nesăbuinţa vârstei, deşi acum îi este destul de greu...
Selena is a twenty one year old girl living in the big apple with her best friend Chris. Both of them working for a company in the city of New York. The two of them being best friends since grade school moved to New York after graduating college. In the company they work for, Chris has the job as Co-Chairman of the Ma...
Amelia Cattleya offered Harry Spanish lessons, in order to assist him in getting his Spanish grades up to par. Amelia gets straight As in this particular subject, pertaining to being a Colombian. Whilst Harry is a college boy who is very intrigued by Amelia's shyness, feistiness and beauty. He is also sexually ar...
"He's dangerous, darling. If you continue this, you'll end up broken." He warned me, his tone of voice stern but sincere in each word. What happens when Camila falls in love with Zayn Grey? She's in the middle of revenge for her parents murder. He's known as the Sinner, heartless, a filthy drunk, always causing...
"911, what's your emergency?" "M-My heart, it's breaking," est. 2015 - This is a collaboration between me and the amazing writer @upallnighttonight - - Cover by the talented @your_wallflower0 -
Rosalie Elizabeth-Anna Argoes is the soon to be queen of Castle Hill, a small kingdom in Britain. Her mother and father had planned to soon step down from their positions, but when Rose's uncle, Jeffery, decides to attack their beloved kingdom they are forced to run from their homeland and into the woods. There are st...