Zodiac signs
Everything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*
Everything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*
Title says it all [Cover Art by Erraday] Copyright© 2015 | nerdycliffxrd (the original ninjago zodiacs btw ;) just saying)
Wow, look at this! Don't you hate it when your title is equivalent to your description? Because I do too. It's slightly unprofessional, just like all the other things I rant about in this book... -- PLEASE NOTE: (as of 2019) I was much younger when I wrote this book, and much of what I said isn't as well considered or...
This is a guide book for girls (tween-teen).This book will include, tips,information and some typical tween/teen stories. BACK OFF BOYS! enjoy
New cover by @_Sugartae😍😍 Welcome to Relatable posts. The place for everyone living the sloth life - slouching and snacking away watching endless hours of TV. This book totally describes your life
At the age of 15, you enroll in the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. When you meet Hiro, you can't shake the feeling that you've met before. Could you possibly have been... the seventh hero?
WARNING: I SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY STUPID THINGS YOU DO BECAUSE OF THIS BOOK. I DO NOT PERSONALLY OWN ALL OF THESE. VIEWER DISCRETION IS MOST DEFINITELY ADVISED. When you're bored, you go do something to make you "un-bored". I suggest Netflix, Youtube, or if you're a bookworm, reading. Personally, I'm mo...