The World Between the Woods
“Deaths, Despairs, Desolations and Destructions!” During the Golden Age of the Western Kingdom, a quest must be accomplished to restore peace on a kingdom from the hands of an unknown enemy from the past. Kings Peter Chevrius and Harry Charvrius will set another journey with Couragesonn, the rest of the Guardians and...
Only Hope: On the Road to Salvation (ON HOLD)
A story about courage and faith. Digory was born as the only child of his parents. Simple boy he is but so like the others. He is smart, kind, religious and simple person with simple dreams. He also have friends, some are seasonal, some are occasional while some last forever. As he grows up, he changed and faced many...
The Narnia Experience!
A compilation of Narnia experiences from the Narnians who submitted their one of a kind experiences of Narnia. An experience about: -What they've learned -The knowledge that they know from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis Each chapter is named for the person who submitted their experience(s) about Narnia. You...
the chronicles of narnia : After the Voyage
the pevensie's return to Narnia to help Caspian and friends save Narnia once again but evil forces are at hand and Susan and siblings don't know what's in store for them, can they save Narnia again from evil?http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXqCJwpBxXwo&h=pAQH85ZYP this video...
Completed -
The Kingdom of Centaurion
Four Kingdoms, Three Warnings, Two Brothers, One Destiny “Only one can be crowned and not all twins are forever be bound. Take my warnings young prince and you will know that I’m telling the truth” Fifteen years after the Queen Clessandra was lost, Dark Times has reached the Kingdom of Centaurion. Twin brothers were...