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This is about Cici and lucy and how Cici had a deep secret she wants to tell lucy. She wants lucy to join her. Will lucy join or will she stay and be forced to do things, find out in this book
This is about Cici and lucy and how Cici had a deep secret she wants to tell lucy. She wants lucy to join her. Will lucy join or will she stay and be forced to do things, find out in this book
These are reasons not to kill yourself and plz alert everyone that ever thought this to talk to me or my book because I tried and I need other people to read this so I don't care if this doesn't get any reads but I just need the word for no suicide
This is about you who has been lonely for 10 years. On your 17 birthday you goes to a guild called fairytail and makes some connections. But will you join the guild. Do you know that your more than a dragon slayer. Read this book to find out Other ships will be in it P.s I want a story buddy and they will also give me...