In an era where dragons reign all over the land, a brave young boy dares to raise his sword in search for his beloved long lost sister held captive in a sacred dragon's nest...
In an era where dragons reign all over the land, a brave young boy dares to raise his sword in search for his beloved long lost sister held captive in a sacred dragon's nest...
These are random drabbles that aren't very good :P LOL. So far there are only Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Ball Z ones.
Ever wondered what it was like to film this amazing game?? Well here it is!! Behind the scene's of Kingdom Hearts!!! Please, enjoy!
She's cursed to remain as a horse for the rest of her life. Her coat is colored black for her mother's transgression. Only for one hour every night her human self can shed the mane and the hooves. The only way to break this curse is to find someone who will fall in love with her. Kaelyn had always had her heart set on...
Who knew that death itself was seeking every single student it came across. The lies and torture that brought London High School to this state is yet to be discovered. Each student either; Disappears, dies or ends up in a fatal situation. Only they didn't know what was out to get them and yet they laughed and scarred...
Leaha Lateire had been living a lie for the entirety of her 15 years of life. Keeping the truth about herself from everyone, absolutely everyone. But what choice did she have? If anyone ever found out about him... it would mean disaster. That someone was Kale; the separate personality that resided inside her mind. She...
Follow the incredible story of young Kyle Harding and the white werewolf as they begin to bond.