marys accidents
mary suddenly gets accidents at night. her mom decides that diapers are the only solution to marys bedwetting.
mary suddenly gets accidents at night. her mom decides that diapers are the only solution to marys bedwetting.
Continuación de mi historia "Julia". No será necesario leer el primer libro para entender este, pues habrá un breve resumen en el primer capítulo. Historia tbdl que toca el tema de los trastornos alimenticios.
Abby is a normal 14 year old but one day when she is babysitting she develops a interest for diapers and her curiosity gets the best of her
This uses a basic plot idea that's been done by a couple of different authors, in different ways. And I thought I'd like to try putting my spin on it. Sally has a dream where her family starts treating her like a baby, and afterwards she can't stop wondering how it would feel. Could it be nice to try wearing diapers a...
Sarah is getting involved with the bad kids, and doesn't listen to her mum's warnings anymore. Mum is really worried about her rebellious daughter, and wishes that she could treat Sarah like a baby again, and protect her from all those bad influences. Maybe a virus that causes bedwetting could be just the opportunity...
Una niña que entra al mundo tbdl ya que siempre le ha gustado usar cosas de bebe
Historia tbdl/abdl creada por mi es con todo respeto a lo que se trata
Esta será la secuela de Tbdl girl espero ver el mismo o hasta más apoyo de la anterior historia
Damara comienza a vivir en la casa de su excompañera de la primaria para asistir juntas a la universidad, pero sus hábitos peculiares pronto la harán destacar dentro de esta nueva familia que la recibe.
Alisson es una chica con una vida normal hasta que algo la cambiaría por completo. ⚠️ ADVERTENCIA ⚠️ Contenido abdl así que si no te gusta este tipo de contenido por favor no leas esta historia.
ADVERTENCIA: Esta es una historia fetiche (omorashi). Depende de ti si quieres leerla. Si chicas tratando de llegar al baño y terminan orinándose no es lo tuyo, mejor no lo leas. WARNING: This is a fetish story (omorashi). It depends on you if you want to read it. If girls trying to get to the bathroom and end up peei...
Emily's Journey to become happy for once in her life. my first step into a story like this, and i hope for some possible ideas or thoughts.
When you live in a small town, the dating pool is pretty shallow, and boy does Max know it. He's been hoping for the girl of his dreams to move to town for years, but with only a year left of high school and college right around the corner, his chances aren't looking good. That is, until a week before the school year...
Stephanie delves deeper into her newfound discovery while she spends time at home for the holidays. How will she balance her new secret pleasure with her guilt? - This story is a spin-off/sequel to my previous story "Victoria's Secret to Success"
A Young girl in her Sophomore year of high school goes on a diaper "journey" **WARNING** This story consists of diaper and other non-child friendly elements **WARNING** New Chapter coming out every other Friday (#3 embarrasment : October 12th 2021) (#8 tb : November 3rd 2021) (#4 tb : December 8th 2021) (#3 tb : Dece...
-Soy una niña buena- susurro adormilada -claro que sí nena - dice daddy acurrucandonos más en la cama. - ahora toma tu biberón baby- escucho a papi entrar. ABDL [Libro escrito por mí para mí, no se permiten adaptación, copias o cualquier tipo de plagio ]
Advertencia Contiene contenido Yuri y ABDL si no te interesa favor de descartar Esta historia es de una chica de 20 años llamada Sofía que trabaja muy duro y vive con su mejor amiga llamada Alejandra, pero su vida dará una vuelta muy radical que ni ella podrá creer....
Nos cuenta como un niña de 14 años llamada Andrea cambia sus gustos repentinamente por un accidente. Si no les gusta el contenido TBDL o ABDL, no lo lean o critiquen para evitar algún conflicto o incomodidad Espero les guste mucho
Buenas que tal extraño desconocido bienvenidos a mi primer historia. No prometo que sea larga pero bueno... Esta historia tratara sobre "Zuleika" una chica que por algunas circustancias volveria a usar pañales.
mlp eqg fan fic: Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been engaging in a series of bets that have been increasingly escalating. The last bet saw Rainbow Dash forced to be Applejack's sexy maid for a day. When a humiliated Rainbow Dash miraculously wins the rematch, there's no telling what she'll have Applejack do. credit f...
Allison and her family nearing Easter were going to take a trip to see their grandparents. However, Allison begun wetting the bed during the week before which didn't seem to stop. Taking action, Allison's parents get her goodnite's to help prevent her leaks in the night. Now Allison travels to their grandparents and c...
Victoria is in her last year of university and her perfectionist and cramming tendencies have led to some accidents as of late. To save herself from further embarrassment, she finds a solution from her past experiences.
An 18-year-old is diapered by their 14-year-old sister, while their mother is out on a business trip.
After an attempt to make some much needed money by posing as an ABDL, Lauren finds herself at the center of ABDL society. The vacation of a lifetime turns into much more than Lauren cold have imagined in this ABDL story. This story contains diaper use and sexuality. All characters are at least 18.
Esta es la historia de Issac un chico que le usa pañales por gusto que se quedara solo en su casa con su prima Mari 🔥😏.Esta es una historia sexual ABDL🥵🔥😏.
Un hombre que lo tiene todo en la vida, viajes, mujeres y una cuenta corriente de miles de millones de dólares, pero siente que algo le falta, algo que el dinero no puede comprar realmente. Ella, una niña que ha tenido que convertirse en adulta demasiado rápido, anhela todo el cariño que le fue arrebatado en su infan...