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  • An Arranged Marriage
    416K 17.4K 48

    An AU of sorts. Where hunter's have communities, and arrange marriages for their young. Y/N is from the Northwest region, arranged to marry Dean, from the midwest region.

  • Bruised and Battered
    152K 6.2K 17

    Being friends with Sam and Dean Winchester had been the best part of your life. But then they were gone, and you had nothing to distract you from the physical and verbal abuse from your parents. Years pass, and your parents suddenly vanish. When Sam and Dean come help to find them, you aren't sure what they will do wh...

  • Sirens High School
    119 8 5

    AU in which Maria and Anna are transfers to a boarding school in Kansas, where the Winchester brothers attend.

  • Undeniable Heat
    690K 28.5K 80

    You've just gotten a job as one of the makeup artists on the set of Supernatural. Nervous on the first day, you become completely awkward, winning the affection of the divorced Jensen Ackles. You try to fight your desire for him, but he thwarts you at every turn. Will you be able you separate work and play, or will yo...

  • Fear (Dean Winchester X Reader)
    38.1K 1.1K 3

    Dean Winchester X Reader A hunt goes wrong, and changes your relationship with Dean forever.

  • Trust Issues (Sam Winchester x Reader)
    68.9K 2.5K 5

    Sam X Reader Sam was going to die, so you sold your soul for him and got one year. Not telling the brothers, you go to hell, and it changes you. You think you failed, and when you find yourself back, you don't know if you can live like you did before.

  • Invisible
    43.6K 1.8K 5

    You were hunting a witch, when she puts an invisibility spell on you. Now you are trying to show Sam and Dean you are okay, while stopping the witch from hurting anyone else.

  • Careless (Cas X Reader)
    77.3K 2.8K 6

    As a hunter traveling with Sam and Dean Winchester, your lives were always at stake, and your emotions were always on edge. However, when they notice you aren't acting like yourself, they enlist the help of their Angel friend, Castiel, an Angel who you had feelings for.

  • Following Your Heart (Dean Winchester x Reader)
    172K 5.8K 15

    The reader has an ordinary life, goes to college and works part time. She gets into a car wreck, that changes her life forever, taking her into an alternate reality with Sam and Dean Winchester.

  • Is This Just Fantasy (Sam Winchester x Reader)
    40.2K 1.7K 7

    You woke up, surrounded by everything you wished was real. There it was, a normal, apple pie life, and you were living it with Sam. You couldn't believe your luck, but something seemed off.

  • Demon Girl (Sam Winchester x Reader)
    460K 14.2K 27

    A girl in love with Sam Winchester sells her soul to save his life. Later she returns as Crowley's Queen, and chaos reigns as Sam and Dean try to save her.

  • Memories Best Forgotten (Dean Winchester x Reader)
    55.2K 2.2K 12

    The reader is in a relationship with Dean Winchester, but one night something happens with Sam to change that. She doesn't want to hurt Dean, but doesn't know what to do. But then, the choice is taken out of her hands.

  • Confetti It's A PARADE! Of Supernatural Imagines.
    859K 22.8K 113

    This book contains different Supernatural stories featuring mainly Sam and Dean but also different characters/actors from the series. Anything and everything I can think of to write. Hope you enjoy, and I will always welcome comments or suggestions!! P.S. Cover photo taken by me at VegasCon 2015 :)

  • Hotel California (Dean Winchester X Reader)
    153K 5.7K 19

    You're staying at an old hotel, when weird things start happening. Confused, but intrigued you stay, while coming closer to two brothers who are more than they seem. This is an imagine that came to me, but it just feels too long to be included in my imagines book.

  • A New Life (Dean Winchester X Demon Reader)
    1.1M 37.9K 43

    Dean Winchester x Reader Synopsis: You're a Demon who is trying to erase all the bad you've done, by helping the Winchesters. But the price to be good can be too much, even for a crossroads demon.

  • Finding Home (Friends x Winchesters)
    1.9K 103 6

    This was a personal request by @TieshaMispel. For her friends Birthday. Her and her friend are hunters, due to her friends parents being killed. They run into Sam and Dean on a hunt, and hit it off right away.

  • Wrong Or Right (Jensen X Reader & Misha X Reader)
    65.5K 3.1K 33

    You (The Reader) is married Jensen Ackles and you are deeply in love. However, even though you trie to fight it, feelings start to develop between you and Misha. Will you stay with her husband, or will you leave Jensen to be with Misha

  • A New Chapter
    73.5K 3.8K 25

    This is a sequel to A New Life. I've had multiple people request it, and I hope you don't mind. It will start off pretty much after the epilogue, and we will follow the reader and Dean's life as they deal with an unusual pregnancy along with hunting. ** If you just started this book, but haven't read A New Life yet...

  • Broken Apart (Dean Winchester x Reader)
    845K 29K 123

    Your relationship with Dean is tested time and again when he receives the mark of Cain in order to kill Abaddon. Will it be able to survive the mark, and what happens if you run away from it all? Will Dean be able to forgive himself if something happens to you because of the mark?

  • Don't Fear the Reaper
    405K 15K 75

    You are a reaper, actually one of Death's favorites. You've been following the story of the Winchesters for a while, staying out of sight, never letting them see you. You slowly fall in love with Sam, even though he doesn't know you exist. But that all changes one day.

  • Grace
    111K 5.4K 42

    Reader Insert. You live a normal life until someone threatens it. Two hunters show up, saving you, and teaching you that not everything is as it seems. They keep you with them, trying to protect you when it's brought to your attention that not all of you is human. And that fact is why you are being hunted right now.

  • Love at First Video (Misha Collins x Reader)
    284K 13.6K 45

    You had just started your first Youtube channel, a channel about getting kids to eat. Your real job was a nanny, but you had always wanted something more. Deciding to start a video blog featuring you and the kids you babysat, you were surprised when an actor by the name of Misha Collins commented on your first video...
