World of Names
(I know there are many books like these) Here in this book, you enter a world of names for different places, people, or things. You'll just have to fish out the names of your liking, here in World Of Names!
(I know there are many books like these) Here in this book, you enter a world of names for different places, people, or things. You'll just have to fish out the names of your liking, here in World Of Names!
Ak si otaku, si si istý, že o anime vieš všetko? Čítal si poctivo všetky mangy? Videl všetky diely svojho obľúbeného anime? Ak nie, tu sú fakty o anime. Ak by si mal pochybnosti a niečomu nechápal vo svojom anime, napíš do komentov a ja ti s radosťou odpoviem v ďalšej časti ;) A je aj dosť možné, že tu budú aj vety, č...