The Game 2
The aftermath...
Roc is a 24 year old football player. He has a 7 year old daughter named Madison. His life revolves around football and females. Madison's mom divorced him a year ago because of his connection with other females. Now with Roc's head in the game. He's started a "game" of his own, using girls for pleasure and to take ca...
The Game is back again!! What's New? Baby Chris (Your baby) is turning one. Y/n is ready to get married. Roc encourages y/n to hang out with Prod's and Ray's girlfriends, who knows plenty the game of love. Last but not least, Roc's cousin EJ bunks at his house. Which y/n doesn't like because she thinks he's starting...
My mom and Dad are both abusive to me. Hi my name is Rene Le Parker. Ever since I could remember my dad would abuse me sexually and my mom would hit me until I couldn't take any more beating. At school I don't have friends. But I do have a bully at school his name is Chresento. Even though he's my crush he's always pu...
Chresanto August is a "dealer" anything you can think of drug wise he sells. By the way he dresses and the way he talks you may think he has it good. but your wrong, all his life he has been dealing with his family, grades, football, bills, gangs. He doesn't have anyone to love him, yes he went out with some girls bu...
This is the story of a teenage girl named nae she has no friends she is adopted her foster sister and brother love her a lot mindless behavior diggy and lil twist come to her school she trys to avoid them but they just find a way into her heart but what they don't know is that her friend ship comes with a price read...