Zodiac Scenerios and Stories
Each of the 12 Zodiac signs will come together and have silly and (possibly) romantic stories, reactions, etc. will do all requests for short stories of reactions. ( i get most posts from tumblr but not the stories)
Each of the 12 Zodiac signs will come together and have silly and (possibly) romantic stories, reactions, etc. will do all requests for short stories of reactions. ( i get most posts from tumblr but not the stories)
✨This is about the Zodiacs as humans! ^~^✨ Stories, Scenarios, Squads, Annoying Notes, and Emojis! Libra: AND PINK FLUFFYYYYY UNICORNSSSS!!!! Gemini: Calm down Libra! Aries: MWHAHAHAHA I AM THE RULER OF THIS BOOK!!! Leo: What if...... Aries was a.... Goat! Virgo: Welcome everyone to LEO LOGIC! Cancer: um... Hi I guess...