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  • Till Death Do Us Part
    57 1 7

    Everybody has different ideas on what the afterlife is like, here's mine. This'll probably be the only story I make and it's absolute garbage, so if you're curious, here ya go I guess.

  • Hide and Seek
    10.4M 356K 39

    How does your night go from a game of Hide and Seek with your best friend, to your parents being murdered the same night? On top of that, you're sent to live with your mother and father's best friend, Mrs. and Mr. Harmon. Although Emily and her brother have no idea who these people are, they're given the luxury life a...

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  • Top and Tail [boyxboy] [slash]
    9.1M 336K 26

    Forced to share his bed with an attractive stranger, Ash Jamieson suddenly finds himself confronted with feelings he thought he'd repressed. ***** Riddled with adolescent angst, lavished with profanity, and adorned with more cheese than your favouri...

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  • Kleptomaniac (A Johnlock Fanfiction) [2015 Wattys Award Winner]
    378K 22.2K 30

    John's never seen a kid like him. He has this beautiful, crazy grace - withheld behind a smug smile and wisecracks that make John frustrated in so many different kinds of ways. And his eyes; crystal clear, decisive, cleaning through the unimportant things to find the valuables in life. He may or may not have a thing f...

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  • The Boy in the Treehouse
    41.9K 2.5K 10

    Johnlock Teen!lock story In which Sherlock and John are a pair of naughty, flirty and funny teenage boys. A funny twist in the characters! WARNING: LOTS OF FLUFF!! (And maybe later smut if you're lucky!) And more FLUFF because fluff is amazing! The Plot: The Watson family needed to start a new life away from their ol...

  • W.S.S.H.
    52.4K 3.5K 23

    John happens to stumble upon a book, a book with very peculiar powers, that introduces him to a mysterious boy on the other side of the pages, Sherlock Holmes. A PotterLock cross over Johnlock Fluff Some MorMor

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  • Poetry Of A Count
    7.1K 643 78

    This book is not suitable for audiences with zero percent sense of imagination and a mental age of two and below. I'm not really a great poet, just a guy who knows how to hold the pen and write the twenty six letters of the alphabet. But I like thinking about so many things, like love, robots, emerald onions, heartbre...

  • Johnlock Potter!lock AU
    9.1K 587 8

    I saw the cover picture online and I decided to do this. It's gonna be one chapter for each year. Sherlock is Ravenclaw and John is Gryffindor.

  • Our Dearly Departed
    14.6K 1.1K 30

    John's life is torn apart by the loss of his boyfriend, Sherlock Holmes. The world seems darker, the future seems desolate, and he can't go one day without a cruel reminder of what his own actions had caused. But then something magical happens, the ground stirs, and late at night there's a knock at John's door... John...

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