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  • The Waiting Game (Lams)
    16.1K 1K 42

    No matter what he does, John is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's how he met Lafayette, Burr and Hercules after all. But it's also how he wound up in a jail cell for a night with a complete stranger who had been in the wrong place at the same time. Trapped until his friends save him, John learns more a...

  • Think Twice : A Lams College Fic (On Hold)
    85.2K 3.3K 14

    Just a classy Hamilton college AU! I'll be mixing it up a little, because I'm a little tired of the basic college AU plot. Hope you enjoy my trash. *ships include: lams, Herc/Laf, jmads/tjeffs, and Eliza with good mental positivity and lot of friends.

  • Raise A Glass {Lams}
    69.4K 3.6K 26

    It all started with Eliza, Alexander Hamilton's girlfriend, leaving him alone with his best friend (and crush) John Laurens. How much can one summer of secret love change the lives of these two boys? Ships included: hamiltonXlaurens lafayetteXhercules jeffersonXmadison elizaXmaria burrXbeing salty

  • Legacy: A Hamilton High School fic
    135K 6.7K 28

    (Warning: this fic may include lots of crying and a really unexpected plot twist.) I have a problem. I don't know why I'm writing this, and I have no clue how it's going to work, but whatever. Basically, I'm putting the entire Hamilton squad into high school and making them just really into student council. Help me I'...

  • Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AU
    105K 3.9K 48

    Ham Squad at college. Fluff, angst, no smut because all you sinners need a break and more. Galore. Enjoy.

  • Hamilton University
    1M 37K 30

    The Hamilton college AU that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Seriously, if you haven't listened to the Hamilton soundtrack GO DO IT. What happens when the immigrant orphan, exchange student, the school jock, and literally the gayest guy known to existence become friends? This will mainly be Hamilton X Laurens...

  • We Met In Highschool
    57.6K 1K 41

    A cute Lams fic set in modern day time. Disclaimer: if you don't want to be overloaded with cute fluffy feelings I don't advise getting to into this book.

  • Hold Me
    277K 11.3K 20

    John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton become roommates while attending university. Everything is going well for the two until Thomas Jefferson sticks his cane in their business. -- John did his best to shake the rain off before he got to his dorm. Just before he reached his room the power turned off. Great. He found t...

  • S T U D Y [Hamilton AU] (LAMS)
    177K 7.3K 20

    john laurens and alexander hamilton have always hated each other. laurens hates how hamilton always gets the grade and is at the top of the class while he is miraculously passing his classes. but hamilton hates how laurens can always be himself, unafraid of being judged. when the two are assigned as roommates for thei...

  • The Unspoken Introduction of Hercules Mulligan
    6.3K 502 16

    Modern AU Hamilton fic. Featuring: HERCULES MULLIGAN, Lams, Jefferson x Madison, Hercfayette. Cinnamon rolls galore.

  • And Peggy
    151K 6.8K 47

    She'll always be 'And Peggy.' He'll never be satisfied. She's helpless. He's back from France. He never told his crush. She has a secret identity. And all of this in high school. What could possibly go wrong? --- this is Hamilton, of course.

  • Home (Lams Modern AU)
    1.1M 47.9K 34

    Alexander Hamilton has recently been accepted into King's College, and he's scared. He's never had friends growing up, and has too much to say at once. But will his overly energetic room mate change his views of the future ahead of him?
