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  • Glass Slippers
    813 34 9

    “The people closest to you always hurt you the most…” After a fierce breakup, Namjoo has been punishing herself by continuously picking up strenuous shifts and hardly goes out. Sehun, who has been naively deceived by his friend, has ceased all relationships possible. What if two people who have cut off all ties with t...

  • Mirror of My Heart
    123 5 1

    Love opened up a whole new beautiful world for successful fashion gurus Namjoo and Kai when they met. Life was instilled with a whole new meaning when they got married, but dreams came crumbling down when their 2 year old baby went missing. Distraught and angry, they broke up after many days spent quarrelling. As time...

  • The Silent Tale
    268 15 4

    During the Koryo Dynasty Chanyeol served as general to the soldiers of the kingdom, who fought against Mongol invaders from the north. Before the warring began, Chanyeol was a newly married groom enjoyably adapting to the start of life as a responsible husband. Little did he know that his wife, Namjoo, would become th...

  • A Second Chance - The Story
    6.6K 413 49

    With the help of Sehun, Namjoo has resumed life in the city with hopes of offering her daughter, Soo Ae, better opportunities. Chances take a turn when misunderstandings lead Sehun to proclaim Soo Ae as his daughter. Once his family becomes involved Namjoo finds herself in an unwanted marriage and a victim of his moth...

  • Next Step, You
    8.7K 546 61

    Left behind by her mother, Namjoo has gone through ups and downs by raising her younger brother. Determined to make a turn around Namjoo becomes a schemer when she targets Kim Jongin, the only son of a dying father, about to inherit millions and a company. When Jongin falls for Namjoo's tricks her life becomes twisted...
