Feär Alläh(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you
The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you
This book is telling facts about Teens.. and the awkward moments they pass by .. I mean come on people we pass by the most awkward moments ever!!! ~Marina
It's simple. You are born with either Blue, brown, or green eyes. Blue eyes show that you are gentle so wisdom is your strength Brown eyes shows that you are fearless so bravory is your strength. Green eyes show that you are powerful which makes you a leader at heart. But, once every blue moon a special kid is born. T...
In which two girls name their favorite quotes from the phenomenal story called Paper Towns. All credit goes to the author, John Green.