the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
"Don't mind him, he's a little shy when it comes to girls" The leader let out a laugh as he shoved the maknae who was glaring at him. Jungkook awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he gave a slight bow. ***** You end up meeting the legendary boy group that goes by the name B.T.S. When you tell them you don't know w...
"I've been praying for someone like you all my life" // apt. 301, 4th floor ©milkchai
"They are undercover and are here for your protection." "What? Are you crazy? I don't need protection. And these two bulls undercover?" I said pointing towards the bulky men. "There's nothing undercover with them following me around." "Oh no you got it wrong. They are not following you around. They are here for inform...