与易烊千玺组cp。 -- 原以为这只是一场最美的回忆, 却没想到是与你邂逅相遇, 变成了永恒的长跑。 谢谢你,出现在有限的生命里。
他和她的青春,重现在脑中。 "我的青春因你而美好。此生遇见你,是我最大的幸运。我们下辈子,也要做夫妻,也要相爱。很庆幸,我们能够相守。" "爱上你我从不后悔,我们相爱,我就此生无憾了。我的女孩,我爱你,太爱你。" 身边的人可以离她而去,可他会一直再她身后陪着她。 "你有我就好 , 有我爱着你就好了。" 他们说青春最美好。 爱有错吗? 可是每个人都想爱啊。 是啊 , 谁不想和爱人相爱相守? 可是终究你只能和一个人白头偕老不是吗? 他们曾经是最风光的易少和易少夫人 , 大名鼎鼎 , 赫赫有名 , 名不虚传。 树大招风。 她无非就是他的死穴。 后来他决定了,这一切风光的名头他不稀罕,他甘愿把她干脆藏起来,那些人就再也触不到她。 人心...
[ Everyone needs, a little magic-☆ ] *** One boy can change a whole world. *** "After all, all magic needs is a little spark." She giggled softly, but then smiling in a melancholy matter, "As well as this world needs a little spark, and it's you." And with that she pushed me in, waves of betrayal washed over me. Why...
EDITING [ ★ ] Lienne is an ordinary girl like you and I - but she has these three childhood friends, they go to a strange and particular Academy with different regulations and principles to ours. But when you have TFboys and EXO as your friends, it tends to get a little hectic. Just a heads up, TFboys and EXO aren't...
"如果说梦想有捷径的话,那么那条路,一定叫做坚持。" 六个从小做着明星梦,拥有自己的舞台,在上面唱着自己的歌、跳着自己的舞蹈的青年,却拥有着不同的背景。易烊千玺,就像是一个为舞台而生的男人一样,四岁起开始学习很多的才艺,年纪小小却在舞台上的经历最丰富。王俊凯和王源,在TF家族里从一个小小的练习生,到闻名于东南亚和欧美各国的明星。一个责任担当,一个活泼开朗,一个成熟稳重,三个性格不同却一样很二的少年就这样组成了TFBOYS组合。宋薇,一个经验老道,曾于SM经纪公司担任练习生,被SM公司看中为最有潜力的少女,无奈为了自己的偶像--TFBOYS而选择了来到时代峰峻面试成为练习生,陌生人前温柔文雅,熟人前却是个十足的二货。韩璇,一个立志成...
Why did you fall in love with him without even knowing? Sorry for the out of the blue question, here's an intro . A girl with a cold heart and flawless beauty, that is who you are. You are a person that only opens up once in a while, at the right time, with the right person, at the right place. You are what people cal...
So you just transferred to China from America. That's a long way around the globe isn't it. You're new to the school and country, you try to be socializable and confident but unfortunately you're just the type of person that says the opposite when you try to confess something. You arrived at a new school and meet new...
『我永远都是属于你的王八蛋,守护着你』 『再也没有人可以欺负你,我王俊凯说的』 因为他不清楚自己的感情而被拒绝,她决定离开,却万万没想到... 五年后,她回来了,他用着自己的方式,证明,他爱她。 因为他,永远都是属于她的傻瓜。 ↝要是好看的话,给个星星吧 『此文原创,严禁抄袭』
Wang Yuan fanfic The boy desperately wanted to seek the attention of Anna, his all-time favourite girl, but by using the wrong methods to catch her attention, he made Anna hate him. Could Wang Yuan change Anna's mind? Could he win Anna's heart? Or... was there a hidden misunderstanding in the incident that has caused...
A talented girl and a transferred student from America. China was new and you had no idea how you had to adopt in this environment. It started from when you had home-stay at your mothers' friend's house. And meeting a guy-friend, Karry. You were having a fine life until you met this one special boy. Interesting feelin...
WangJunKai x Reader Fanfic You had to move to ChongQing to live with your stepdad and stepsister, who hated you very much. Life couldn't be any worse. But when you go to school and met the three boys, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all... One boy was caring and kind, the other sunny and adorable, and a boy that'...
Two girls are scouted by TF family after they participated in a competition. In order to join TF family, they need to leave their country and go to China. But they need their parents approval and that's gonna be a problem. And if their parents approve, they would have to live in the entertainment which is supposed to...
[TFBOYS] It all started off as a game when they were both certain that they wouldn't fall in love. Falling in love signifies weakness and loss.