Sad Quotes 2
BOOK 2 to Sad Quotes. It wouldn't let me publish over 200 parts so here is took 2. Same thing.
BOOK 2 to Sad Quotes. It wouldn't let me publish over 200 parts so here is took 2. Same thing.
☆☆☆ As my name is HappinessSpreader I bring you...DRUMROLL PLEASE!! An entire book of happiness quotes that hopefully enlighten someone's world. Most of these are not my quotes and are ones I have retrieved from the internet. I will say when a quote is mine though :) ~ENJOY LIFE AND BE HAPPY :)~ ☆☆☆
here r some of my favourite poems and qoutes that make me laugh cry and want to hug my laptop . hope u like it too
This is all the quotes over learned throughout school and life Some of them are my own quotes others I really liked that I found plz read and vote also comment on the quotes