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2nd half of the story from RecklessMartinez's page. [Trilogy to That Little Kiss You Stole] After waking up in a hospital with severe memory loss, Liliana White finds herself working at a dead end job in Seattle. She thinks her life is going to continue to be wasted by serving perverted drunks at a club but, what...
[Trilogy to That Little Kiss...] After waking up in a hospital with severe memory loss, Liliana White finds herself working at a dead end job in Seattle. She thinks her life is going to continue to be wasted by serving perverted drunks at a club but, what happens when an old friend drops by? While Liliana accept...
Emma je na úteku s Nikolajom a so svojím otcom. Konečne si však užívajú slobodu na plný úväzok a vraždy nie sú pre nich nič nové. Vôbec im neprekáža, že ich hľadá celá európska polícia a že sú najhľadanejšími osobami v Európe. Je to posledná časť trilógie a čaká sa už iba na jej vyvrcholenie. Ako to sa to vlastne c...
Listening to Panic! At the Disco and other bands while trying to do videos as well. This is what a boy named Alexandra who is living at children's home because his abusive dad had passed away. He has dreamed about being adopted by Panic! At the Disco & Bring Me the Horizon who have saved him from everything. What if o...
*Sequel to That Little Kiss...* Life for Liliana White is nothing more than a repetitive shitty cycle that never seems to end. While on tour with Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon. Things tend to get out of control. Lily begins to loose it, she looses self control and becomes an addict. Will Lily be able to...
Hlavnou hrdinkou je Emma, ktorá chladnokrvne zavraždila svojich rodičov. Nikto o tom však nevie. Adoptuje si ju náhradná rodina, ktorá už má vlastného syna Keila, s ktorých sa stanú dobrý kamaráti. Prvý školský deň v novej strednej škole stretne spolužiaka, ktorý sa jej začne vyhrážať, aby s ním začala spolupracovať...