Control Freak
This is my story of the Genocide run in Undertale. I will be calling Frisk and Chara both by Them They or Their pronouns. The cover is made by my friend KatRidgewell. Undertale is not mine it is made by Toby Fox
This is my story of the Genocide run in Undertale. I will be calling Frisk and Chara both by Them They or Their pronouns. The cover is made by my friend KatRidgewell. Undertale is not mine it is made by Toby Fox
✨This is about the Zodiacs as humans! ^~^✨ Stories, Scenarios, Squads, Annoying Notes, and Emojis! Libra: AND PINK FLUFFYYYYY UNICORNSSSS!!!! Gemini: Calm down Libra! Aries: MWHAHAHAHA I AM THE RULER OF THIS BOOK!!! Leo: What if...... Aries was a.... Goat! Virgo: Welcome everyone to LEO LOGIC! Cancer: um... Hi I guess...