My Sweet Disaster
What do you do when you know it's going to be over soon? You know when is the 'soon'. What do you do? For eighteen years old Aveline Greene, she writes.
What do you do when you know it's going to be over soon? You know when is the 'soon'. What do you do? For eighteen years old Aveline Greene, she writes.
Poetry published May 2012- May 2013 (Written 2003-2013) Dedicated to my sister, those who followed in Viper's footsteps, and America.
A teen suicide poem with a twist on the second page & true story in the 3rd part and the cutters anthem and cries on part 4 I swear I don't care if you vote or comment just read it and spread the message...
Feelings trapped for so long are now typed in words- Expressing my anger through poetry.