Dead Poets Club ✓
I can taste the revolution on your skin 2016, adriana © (p #58- 040117)
i'm emptying my oxygen into your lungs because i want to see you breathe more than anyone else.
you know how you go on walk in the afternoon and when you step out it still kinda sunny. and then you look up again and you notice the sun almost setting. then you look up again and you realize the sun is completely set. and you look up for the last before going in and it's almost midnight. you didn't even notice how...
one awkward teen gal, one mexican painter with a unibrow, and one boy who likes to take pictures of chalk. strangeness ensues.
after dark beautiful things grow and fester, kissing your mouth, eviscerating your insides.
i think that if he and his short-lived denouement astounded me so then this would be much deeper