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  • Mutation [Boku no Hero Academia]
    53.4K 1.5K 8

    [Boku no Hero Academia] [Various X Reader] She was normal, until she was forced to undergo different experiments in order to be the most powerful villain there could ever be. Her hopes for the future was slowly being pulled into darkness until she met them, Heroes. She entered U.A High in hopes of restarting for the b...

  • Hey Class President (A USUK Hetalia Fanfiction)
    89.8K 4.2K 13

    Arthur Kirkland isn't your typical sixteen year old boy. He's unnoticed. A ghost among a crowd of people. And when people do notice him, they use his heart as a toy, something to be played with once or twice. So what happens when these games push young Arthur over the edge? Find out in, "Hey Class President", a Hetali...

  • DISCONTINUED!(Various!BNHA x Reader) Given Chance
    657K 28K 55

    "Why do you want to be a hero?" Usually, you'd hear noble responses like: "To save people", "To help those in need", "To be a good person", and so on and so forth with those other common answers from those who aspire to be one . In the end, you'd know who were all-talk, and who actually lived up to their reasons. In s...

  • The Akira Files
    1.9M 67.7K 68

    A young girl fleeing her home land stumbles upon the Hidden leaf village. She incidentally teams up with Team 7 after being 'recruited'. The catch; she has to keep her real gender a secret in order to remain safe. (There is a sequel available on my profile) Highest Ranking #195 in Fanfiction: Dec 24, 2017 Originally...

  • Marionette
    715K 44.9K 178

    Ever at odds with the people around her, Katsuragi Amaya has only three people who she feels a close connection to. Her siblings, Reiko and Yuta, and her best and worst friend, Akabane Karma. A friend whom she feels sees her no different from anyone else he torments. In seeking to deepen that connection to reach an...

  • The Thin Grey Line (Boku no Hero Academia Fanfic)
    579K 25.6K 22

    The beauty of the era of quirks wasn't the amazing abilities; it was that nobody sane would even entertain the thought that Kuroko, the most wanted vigilante in all of Japan, was Quirkless. Disclaimer: This story does not belong to me. It belongs to @A_ToastToTheOutcasts on Archiveofourown, and neither of us owns Boku...

  • Beethoven
    144K 11.1K 14

    In which Kiara Bergmann meets a German boy who should've been buried over two hundred years ago. [Extended summary inside] #22 Short Story #115 Humor

  • Hetalia & Google Translate
    52.6K 2.6K 10

    Hetalia songs and lines translated into English by the wonderful Google Translate.