Relatable Quotes
These are a bunch of teenage posts and stuff. I hope you can relate! I didn't come up with these so if theres like a copyright or whatever... Enjoy!
These are a bunch of teenage posts and stuff. I hope you can relate! I didn't come up with these so if theres like a copyright or whatever... Enjoy!
Here is a list of problems that may be relatable... Like when you parents ask you to take out the trash and you just sat down.... That Annoys The Crab Cakes Out of Me!!!! (Just as an example) (Most of these are actually things that have happened to me lol ) If you like, show your love with vote or comment if it's rel...
teenager quotes that completely describes your life right now. i post some of my poems too, cause you know, i'm emotional as fck too.
New cover by @_Sugartae😍😍 Welcome to Relatable posts. The place for everyone living the sloth life - slouching and snacking away watching endless hours of TV. This book totally describes your life