I HATE YOU LOUDS (an nsl story)
Lincoln has been outside his house for a month and has a minor case of hypothermia. Ronnie Anne and her new friend Sid help him up and take 6 Loud, now Chang siblings with them as the Louds are seeking to kill them.
Lincoln has been outside his house for a month and has a minor case of hypothermia. Ronnie Anne and her new friend Sid help him up and take 6 Loud, now Chang siblings with them as the Louds are seeking to kill them.
Ronnie Annie has bullying Lincoln back when they were 11. She did it because she wanted Lori to break up with Bobby, but her plan backfire and Lincoln's sisters thought that she had a crush on him. Lincoln let Ronnie Annie bully him because they're older siblings were dating each other. However Lori and Bobby broke up...
Mi mera existencia siempre tuvo una razón: ser el apoyo moral y sentimental de mis hermanas, sin importar mi tiempo, mis aficiones, mis obligaciones, o siquiera yo mismo. Pero siempre tuve esa pequeña duda, la cual crecía a través del tiempo: «¿Estoy mínimamente conforme con esto?». Hasta hoy, la respuesta hubiera sid...