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  • Hijab and Veil. Oppression or Liberation ?
    4.6K 139 3

    When you see a Hijabi and a Niqabi, what do you think? Do you think they are free or do you think they are oppressed? Read this strikingly inspiring poem to find out more. Leave your opinion after reading! Jazakallah. Cover by ToBeFree

  • My slam book
    2.7K 280 1

    It contains 25 facts about me. Warning: don't read it or else you'll fall in love with me. haha, just kidding. Rather you'll hate me for wasting your time. If you want to really know me then do read it ;)

  • A Halal Love Story #Wattys2019 - BEING EDITED
    193K 12.1K 34

    REACHED #26 IN SPIRITUAL ON August 1/2018 ---- Laila gets a wedding proposal from someone who wants to stay anonymous till the day of their wedding. With multiple people falling for Laila, it's hard for her to figure out who this "mystery man" is. -- Obnoxious. Evil. Caring. Those three words best describe Hamza. He's...

  • Confessions of a Muslim Girl
    2.5M 55.7K 42

    The story of two best friends, Noha Ali and Maysa Malik, as they navigate through high school.

  • My Dua book
    395K 7K 91

    Dua is an invisible weapon of a believer. Its an amazing exchange. You hand over your worries to God and he hands over his blessings to you! No dua ever gets unanswered..If not answered in this dunya,my brothers and sisters you shall be given something in the hereafter in exchange for them..Aint it amazing?SubhanAllah...

  • How prepared are we?
    1.5K 127 2

    This book is a compilation of hadith that our beloved prophet ﷺ narrated regarding the day of judgement and the events that will occur.

  • Islamic Pearls of Inspiration
    83.6K 6.4K 104

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Islamic pearls of Inspirations is a combination of quotes, hadiths, Qur'an verses to inspire you and to increase your faith, In sha Allah. ©2014 Cover: Zammurad

  • The Tahajjud Prayer
    47K 3.3K 11

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamu alaykum warehmatullaahiwabatakatuhu everyone. The best prayer after obligatory prayers is the night prayer. Allah descends to the lowest portion of the heaven in the last third of the night, and asks if there is anyone supplicating, so that H...

  • I am near
    4.5K 356 9

    وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the suppl...

  • Feär Alläh(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
    36.6K 2.9K 35

    The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you

  • The boy who tried to escape death (Islamic Short Story)
    843 57 9

    Ahmad is a 16 Year old teenage boy , who thought That he will never die but not knowing that only few days left for him to approach his death ...........

  • importance of salaah
    1.8K 114 14


  • Simply Islamic Poetry
    22.6K 1.7K 10

  • Stories of Tawbah (Repentence)
    14.1K 786 7

    If ever you become overwhelmed with sins and feel hopeless - this book is for you. A collection of true stories of tawbah ---- A must read to reflect on what previous peoples did to gain Allah’s forgiveness and paradise.

  • This Road
    4.5K 706 19

    Rating: G A collection of poetry written from real life experience. ©Sharifah Zaid AlHadhrami, 2013 Cover: Zammurad

  • Hadith and Quotes
    103K 3.9K 60

    Want to know what Islam preaches? What Prophet Mohammad pbuh taught the Muslims? The things the Muslims should follow? The things we neglect? Well read on to find out ;)

  • Hadiths
    132K 10.3K 136

    If you want to change, if you want to repent, if you want Allah to forgive your sins, if you want paradise. Hasten. Hasten to fasting, Hasten to night prayer, Hasten to Allah's mercy, Hasten to Allah's generosity. We say 'tomorrow I will repent.' 'I will.' "But tomorrow." Allah said in the glorious Qur'an: And do not...

  • Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s Supplications and Dua's
    6.3K 124 4

    "Verily, only in the remembrance of Allah (swt) do hearts find rest." - Qur'an (13:28)

  • The Wise Gems {ON HOLD}
    2.1K 215 5

    A random collection of poems, stories, and important events of the Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhum and the pious... Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has said: 'My Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anh are like shining stars. Whichever one of them you follow, you shall be rightly guided...'

  • Islamic Stories & Many More
    6.8K 388 20

    Assalamualikum! Jazakallah for reading these little short stories, poems, Quran verses, and nasheeds. None of these stories belong to me at all. I've found them online, and I hoped to share them with you. :D

  • Daily morning and evening Supplications
    44.3K 124 10

    BIAMILLAHI AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEM Anas (RA) said that he heard the Prophet (SAW) say: "That I sit with people remembering Almighty Allah from the morning (Fajr) prayer until sunrise is more beloved to me than freeing four slaves from among the Children of Isma'il. That I sit with people remembering Allah from the afterno...

  • 70 Ways To Earn Reward From Allah
    75.1K 6.6K 38

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Holy Qur'an: Al-Baqarah (2:286) Allah does not burden a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose...

  • Qiyamat: The End Of The World
    3.1K 385 8

    Qiyamat. The Day Of The Judgement. In recent times things have become very perplexed and the humanity is now faced with a stark choice. The world now is in a dark place. It has changed a lot in different ways from one generations to another generations. Violence, terrorism, hatred, racism, corruption and ignorance i...

  • ♡♥Enlightening Souls♥♡
    97.5K 12.5K 202

    My Lord: Grant me wisdom, and join me with the good.[26:83] ♡♥Enlightening souls is a book in which Authentic HADITH, SUNNAH, DIFFERENT DUAS, THOUGHTS & SMALL STORIES are clubed together. ♡♥ Then they invoked Allah and said: "Our Rabb! We believe in what you have revealed and we follow You...

  • The Hereafter Series
    8K 470 13

    Journey of the Soul's makes up the Hereafter Series.

  • Walk Alone Until Allah Sends You Someone To Walk With
    109K 11.4K 41

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum brothers & sisters This is not a novel or fiction. This book is guide for my sisters out there, here i will be writing some stuff that will help you guys in your daily life like what Islam say about Girlfriend & Boyfriend, what is Hala...

  • Simple Acts, Great Rewards!
    505 59 9

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem This book contains some rewarding deeds we can all implement in islam. May Allah help it benefit us all Ameen. please make dua for me, as my imaan is getting very weak. jazak'Allahu khair