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  • truth serum || jitsui x reader drabble
    610 29 1

    honest reaction after reading the latest chapter of the mango: what the fuck this is dumb honestly don't hesitate to slap me after you read this

  • Game of Hearts || Joker Game
    1.6K 85 10

    Though sentimentality can serve as a tremendous hindrance, there are still emotions that are not forbidden for a spy to feel . . . In which they are also able to hide perfectly.

  • The Final Card || Joker Game
    1.4K 80 3

    Who said that the D-agency is only composed of spies? Peacetime has passed away and the countries have declared war. The secrets of the past are yet to be revealed and the fate of the future remains a mystery. It was, critically, stated that spies are only reliable during the quiet days and are no longer of use during...

  • g o n e
    277 24 1

    miyoshi never choose to resign from espionage, no. death forces him to.

  • o f f
    421 24 1

    [drabble - hatano x reader] resigning from espionage wasn't very uncommon. every spies have their own reasons when the time had come for them. this is hatano's.

  • The Swallow (Joker Game Fan Fiction)
    5.9K 177 7

    Women are not hired by D-Agency - they are emotional and impulsive. Hanako knew this very well; Yuuki-san had reiterated it over and over again when she had been recruited. She, the military doctor who was sentenced to death. She, the new member of this fascinating and mysterious spy agency. She, the girl who had bee...