Our Funtime( Funtime Frexy)
Funtime Frexy..eh kinda ._.
Mangles life is simple and easy. No problems, no drama, no heartbreaks, and no boy problems. Nothing. That is until she moves with her family, has to survive a new high school, deal with a crazy maniac, one killer drug dealer, 2 gang members, and a heartbroken boy. No one said High School was easy.
This is a story all about how their lives got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there and tell you how I became prince of this fucking story XD
(tw: description contains self-harm, bullying, death, and a small mention of drugs) "Woah, look at her eyes!" "What a freak." "Is that even normal?" Mangle held her head in her hands, breathing slowly. She wished they would all just be quiet. "I heard her dad died and her mom's a druggie." "I heard she doesn't even ha...
(Read note in description) - When he was just seven years old, Foxy and his friends all used to go to school together back in California, it was just him, Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, and Golden Freddy. Yup! His life was perfect! He had great friends, good grades and a Mother and Father who loved him. Until his parents spli...