Edith and Roman || tradusă
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Description: Taehyung is a 23 years old boy who's mother was murdered. He knows who his mother murderer is, but the police didn't find any viable proof that that man killed his mother, so the case of Taehyung's mother murder was never closed. Thirsty for revenge, he kidnaps one of that man's daughters, Myung Hee, the...
Jungkook o vede precum o stea, Min însă nu caută să strălucească. 18.04.16 #297 în Ficțiune adolescenți Jeon Jungkook ff © 2016-2017 by sunnett All rights reserved. cover made by @mimieran
„Când plecam unul de lângă celălalt nu ni se părea că ne despărţim, ci că mergem să ne aşteptăm altundeva."
Demian: The Youth Of Emil Sinclair by Hermann Hesse (1919) ~ translated from German This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away, or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License. It is in the public domain.