Song Book
New songs I've written :)
Hi I'm Mackenzie Ziegler, from Dance Moms! I just posted this in case you have any questions you want to ask me.
Hi I'm Mackenzie Ziegler, and welcome to Yeah. I guess that's what it's called. I don't know if you want to know about me or anything but I can tell you how to do a split, and I have a cute puppy I can post photos of so yeah follow me and read this! :)
Flash forward: Maddie's sixteen and I'm fourteen. Maddie is in a short relationship with Gino but he breaks it off. Maddie gets a surprise that changes everything.
I'm Mackenzie, and I wanted to write a sweet story for my sister and my friends!
This is about Johnny Orlandos mom meets Mackenzie Zieglers mom and they make them a "couple"!
Mackenzie Ziegler. The popular girl in school. She has everything a normal popular girl has: a boyfriend, tons of friends, rich, big house, etc but she has something that not every popular girl has...she is nice. She is not one of those mean girls that bully and push people. She is the nicest person you will ever meet...
A jenzie story! Kenzie meets Lauren Orlando on a bus after dance! Then go over her house and meets her annoying brother Johnny Orlando! But what happens when feelings get in the way?
Da 14 årige Emily flytter til Trofors med sin mor får hun en masse venner og falder hurtigt for en norsk dreng. Læs bogen hvis du vil finde ud af resten.☺️MARCUS & MARTINUS FAN FICTION
Sarah er en 14-årig pige fra Danmark. Lyst hår, grønne øjne - bare helt almindelig. Og så alligevel ikke helt. For hvor mange 14-årige piger flytter lige til Norge? Ikke særlig mange. Hun flytter op til en lille by, hvor hendes fars familie bor. Og vil det blive helt forfærdeligt? Eller vil det vise sig at blive det b...
Luna er ked af det, hendes mor fortæller hende at de skal flytte til Norge. Hun skal derfor forlade fire-kløveren. Men kan det blive vendt til noget positivt? Bliver hun 'together' med nogen? Eller er der et punkt hvor hun ikke kan mere?